Integration with Other Applications > Integration with Cadence Allegro Design Workbench > Installing the Library Adapter on the Allegro Design Workbench Library Machines
Installing the Library Adapter on the Allegro Design Workbench Library Machines
The client-side Allegro Design Workbench Library Adapter can be installed on any library (client) machine to export the parts in the library to Windchill, import Windchill parts to the Allegro Design Workbench Library, and provide a bidirectional synchronization of library and Windchill objects and their parameters.
The Allegro Design Workbench Library Adapter is installed on the client (library) machine using a client-side installer that prompts the user through all installation steps. The installer must be downloaded to the library machine from the Windchill server’s Software Downloads page.
To download the installer:
1. From the Windchill home page, go to Quick Links and then click Software Downloads.
2. Click Cadence Allegro Design Workbench Adapter Installation.
3. Download the installer file, and extract it on the client machine.
4. Click the file setup.vbs to run the installer. The installation program starts.
Perform the following steps to configure the installation:
1. The Introduction window in the following figure opens. Read the information in it and when you have finished, click Next.
2. Read the information in the License Agreement window, accept the agreement, and click Next.
3. The next window prompts you to select the location of your Java installation. Click Choose, navigate to the directory containing your Java installation. Click Next.
4. The Choose Install Folder window opens. Click Choose and navigate to the directory containing the subdirectory adw_conf_root. Click Next.
5. An alert window opens showing you the subdirectories under adw_conf_root and the install location of the Allegro Design Workbench Adapter. Note the directory, and then click OK.
6. Select the ADW startup file and click Next.
7. If you have a previous installation of Windchill Gateway for Cadence Allegro Design Workbench, you are prompted to clean it up. Click Yes.
8. An alert window opens, prompting you to install JAR files. Follow the instructions in this window. When you are finished, click Yes.
9. You are prompted to review your settings. You can use the Back button to navigate back to the appropriate page and change them. Otherwise, click Install.
The installation program uses the file here.tcl located in the adw_conf_root directory. This file and the directory in which it resides are created by the Allegro Design Workbench installation. Its exact location can vary depending on the environment of the Allegro Design Workbench Library machines. The adapter installation program uses information in this file to guide its operation.
The installation program also creates the following sub directories under the adw_conf_root directory. These directories are listed below using the environment variable $ADW_CONF_ROOT which represents the full path to the adw_conf_root directory.
The location of the pcbdw_lib directory (which is the synchronization root) is taken from the workbench.ini file, which resides in the $ADW_CONF_ROOT/<company>/<site> directory.
Depending on the exact environment on the library machine, this location can be expressed as a full path name, or as an environment variable.