Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > Working With Manufacturing Objects > About Assigned Item Choices and Variants > Editing Assigned Item Choices
Editing Assigned Item Choices
When filtering a product structure, you can select the desired option filter as the filtering criteria. You can apply option choices to the usage of child objects of a configurable object.
These child objects can be standard or configurable.
Using Windchill MPMLink Explorers
In Windchill MPMLink explorers, the Assigned Choices column shows the assigned options and their choices. You need to use the following procedure to display the Assigned Choices column in the table.
1. Open the context menu on the table column headings, and select More.
For the structure in the left pane, select View > Structure Table Details.
For a table in tab, click the table details icon.
2. In the new window that appears, select Assigned Choices, and click Show.
3. Click OK.
Once the Assigned Choices column displays in the table and you are working with a checked out object, select a configurable object, and you can edit the options and choices in the Assigned Choices column.
Using Windchill MPMLink Browsers
To display and edit option sets in Windchill MPMLink Browsers, such as the Process Plan Browser, or the Manufacturing Associative Parts Browser, ensure that the Assigned Option Set tab is available, by customizing the information to display this tab. For more information see Customizing the Information Page.
You can then Assign an Option Set to an Object using the standard Windchill procedure.
When assigning expressions Windchill MPMLink verifies that an option set is present. The system checks if an option set is assigned to the current item. If not, it gets it from the container, its root process plan, or the root process plan's container.
To assign expressions for a link (OperationUsageLink, SequenceUsageLink):
1. Checks if the operation holder parent of the link has the assigned option set.
2. If not found, checks if the operation holder parent’s context has the assigned option set.
3. If not found, checks if the root process plan (not shown in the tree) has the assigned option set.
4. If not found, checks if the root process plan's (not shown in the tree) context has the assigned option set.