Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Windchill MPMLink Overview > MPMLink Explorers > About the Manufacturing Resource Explorer > About Task Tabs > Formula Sets Tab
Formula Sets Tab
The Formula Sets tab is used to select pre-defined formula sets that can be used to calculate the time and cost associated with a work center. For example, a standard time and cost formula, and a periodic time and cost formula.
The name of the formula set
A description of the formula set. For example, time needed to setup work center.
Indicates which formula set associated with the work center is used by default. The default formula can be changed by using the drop-down list in the attributes table, on the Information tab. When assigning a work center to an operation, the default formula for the work center is then applied to the operation.
Available Actions
The following table explains the actions available from the toolbars on this table:
Compatibles Toolbar
Add Formula Set
Opens the Search window where you can search for an existing formula to associate with the work center.
Removes the selected formula set association.
Places the selected formula on the clipboard so you can add it as a formula set for a different work center.
Places the selected formula on the clipboard so you can add it as a formula set for a different work center.
Places a formula set from the clipboard into the selected location.
Column Details
Opens the Column Details window, which can be used to configure the columns displayed in the table.