Integration with Other Applications > Windchill Workgroup Manager Documentation > ECAD > ECAD Document Information Page > Edit BOM Attributes Map
Edit BOM Attributes Map
The Edit Bom Attribute Mapping action enables you to modify a BOM attribute map definition to change the association of design attributes with their corresponding Windchill attributes.
To edit a BOM attribute map definition:
1. Check the BOM definition document out to the workspace.
2. From the workspace, go to the BOM attribute map’s info page by clicking the icon or selecting the BOM attribute map’s item and right mouse button.
3. Select Actions > Edit Definitions > Edit Bom Attribute Mapping. The BOM Attribute Mapping window opens.
4. Click on the Load Design Attributes icon, and navigate to the file containing the design attributes. If the file is valid, it is loaded and ready to use.
A design attributes file must be a .csv (comma-separated value) file containing the attributes in the header rows.
5. Use the drop-down menus to select which Windchill attribute maps to which design attributes.
6. Use the Add Row and Remove Row buttons if necessary to add additional attributes, or remove unneeded ones.
7. Click OK.
There are three default Windchill Attributes: Number, Name, and Reference Designator.
Number — By default, part numbers are created automatically when the part is created in Windchill. The Number attribute links the Windchill part number to whatever attribute is assigned in the Design Attribute field. Usually this is the part number that is created in the ECAD application.
Name — The Name attribute is created by the user, and it is usually linked to the name given to it in the ECAD authoring application.
Reference Designator — The Reference Designator describes the unique location of an individual part in the design. For example, there can be three identical resistors having the same names and part numbers, but their reference designators would describe their unique positions either physically (such as on a board), or logically (such as in a schematic).
Editing of the BOM Attribute Map Using Native Toolset File
While creating BOM attribute mapping definitions you are now able to select an ECAD Design item such as a project file or board file when executing the Load action in BOM Attributes Mapping Editor. Windchill Workgroup Manager for ECAD executes the pvecad2pvs utility in the background and the resulting CSV file is loaded and you are able to select the design attributes in the UI.
To generate a .csv from design file (schematic or board) for that particular toolset you need to register that authoring application in the Windchill Workgroup Manager for ECAD client.
If you want to use *.CPM (Schematic: Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL) file to create a csv from it, ‘Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL’ must be registered with the Windchill Workgroup Manager for ECAD client.
Complete the following example steps to generate a .csv for BOM attribute mapping using Altium Designer Schematic.
1. Register Altium Designer Schematic in the Windchill Workgroup Manager for ECAD client.
2. Create a BOM document in the workspace.
3. From the Load Design Attributes action, select type as required.
4. Search for the Altium Design directory where the design file is kept.
5. Click OK.
A .csv file is generated via the pvecad2pvs utility in the background. When complete, you are able to select attributes as required in the BOM Attribute Mapping window.
The following are authoring applications and their supported file formats for the generation of .csv file:
Authoring Application
Design/Input File
Neutral File
Altium Designer Schematic
*.schdoc, *.prjpcb
Altium Designer PCB
*.dsn, *.tgz, *.tar, *.Z, *.gz
Authoring Application
Design/Input File
Neutral File
Cadence Allegro Design Entry HDL
Cadence Design Capture CIS (OrCAD) Capture
*.sip, *.mcm
Mentor Graphics
Authoring Application
Design/Input File
Neutral File
Mentor Graphics Design Capture
Mentor Graphics DxDesigner
Mentor Graphics Expedition
Mentor Graphics PADS Logic
*.edf, *.eds
Mentor Graphics PADS Layout
*.asc, *.tgz, *.tar, *.Z, *gz
Authoring Application
Design/Input File
Neutral File
Zuken CR8000 Design Force
Zuken CR8000 Design Gateway
1. In addition to the above formats, a .csv can be generated from *.csv and *.eda file formats which are applicable to all the authoring applications listed above. You need to browse to the folder that contains the *.csv and *.eda files, and then Windchill Workgroup Manager for ECAD can use them to generate the appropriate *.csv file.
2. The following authoring applications only support a *.csv file format. File format .eda file is not supported.
ECAD Neutral
Mentor Graphics Board Station XE
Mentor Graphics Design Architect XE
Zuken CR5000 System Designer
Zuken CR5000 Board Designer