Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Information Manager - S1000D Module > Additions to Windchill Arbortext Editor > Working with the S1000D Module > Validate Data Module Against the BREX
Validate Data Module Against the BREX
To validate the current data module against the product’s business rules, as specified in the BREX data module:
1. In Windchill Arbortext Editor, select S1000D > Brex Validate.
2. A message box is displayed, indicating if the validation was successful.
If not, the Brex Validation dialog box displays information and error messages as applicable.
For more information, see Brex Validation Dialog Box.
Business rules in a BREX data module are based on values of the allowedObjectFlag attributes for permitted objects or elements in a project data module. Messages are generated for the objects or elements during BREX validation:
Message Generated
Object is not allowed in context
If object is present in context
Object must be included in context
If object is not present in current context
Object is optional in context
(Issue 4.1 only)
If object is present in context
Not set
Object is optional in context
If object is present in context
You can specify that a BREX validation rule should only be processed when validating a certain context. Include a rulesContext attribute for the contextRules element that represents a BREX rule, to define the schema of its target data module type.
For example, this rule will only be processed for a comment 4.1 data module:
<contextRules rulesContext="">
<objectPath allowedObjectFlag="2">//comment</objectPath>
<objectUse>The comment object is not applied to these projects</objectUse>
If the rulesContext attribute is not set for a rule, it is assumed that the rule is valid for all contexts.
After BREX validation, check in of the project data module is permitted if:
Validation resulted in no messages
Only information messages were generated during validation
The product attribute Allow Check In With Invalid Brex is set to Yes (if errors were generated during validation)
A Release for Verification task for a data module can also be completed if only information messages were generated during validation..
You can generate debug information about a BREX validation action. For more information, see Troubleshoot a BREX Validation Action.