Windchill Fundamentals > PDM Essentials and Global Product Development Package 1 > Windchill PDM Essentials > Integrating with Your CAD Application > Working with Creo Parametric > Working with Windchill > Starting Out on a Design > Opening Objects in Creo Parametric
Opening Objects in Creo Parametric
You can open CAD documents from a workspace, or from various places in the commonspace while working in the embedded browser of a Creo Parametric session. In addition, you can open CAD documents from a standalone browser if an appropriate installation of Creo Parametric is installed on your machine.
Opening Workspace Object from the Embedded Browser
To open a listed workspace CAD document in Creo Parametric, select File > Open In > Open in Creo or click the open in Creo icon in the Actions column for the object. The object is opened in your current Creo Parametric session. You can also access the Open in Creo action from most places where CAD documents are exposed in Windchill, as explained in the following section.
You cannot open CAD documents for UDFs, incomplete objects, or any file type for which direct retrieval is not allowed in Creo Parametric.
Opening Objects from a Standalone Browser
When you are working in a standalone browser and an appropriate version of Creo Parametric is installed on your machine, you can open CAD documents in Creo Parametric. If a Creo Parametric session is already running, the object is opened in your existing session. If no session is running, the action of opening an object automatically launches Creo Parametric.
The action for opening CAD documents is available in Windchill generally where CAD documents are exposed. In addition to the workspace, these places include the Folder page (when CAD documents are displayed), the search results page, the CAD document Structure tab, the Product Structure tab (when associated CAD documents are displayed), and the CAD document information page. The action can be initiated either by clicking the open in Creo Parametric icon in the Actions column for the object, or selecting Open In > Open in Creo from an actions menu.