Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Wizard Processing > Solution > Procedure - Creating Your Wizard Processing Code > Wizards with a Single Target Object > Specifying the ObjectFormProcessorDelegate(s) to be used in your wizard
Specifying the ObjectFormProcessorDelegate(s) to be used in your wizard
The names of the ObjectFormProcessorDelegate classes to be instantiated by the DefaultObjectFormProcessor, if any, are communicated in hidden input fields as follows:
<input name="FormProcessorDelegate"
These hidden input fields can be created in several ways:
If you have a delegate associated with a specific wizard step, the delegate can be specified in the command subtag of in the wizard step action. For example:
<action name="attachmentsWizStep" postloadJS="preAttachmentsStep"

" windowType="wizard_step"/>
The wizard framework will then generate a hidden FormProcessorDelegate field in the wizard for any wizard using this step. If you have specified an object handle on the wizard step action, the name attribute of the hidden field will include the object handle so that the delegate will be called only for the target object associated with the step.
If you have a specific input field that requires a delegate you can generate the hidden field in the data utility that creates the GUI component for the input field. It is recommended that the data utility return a subclass of AbstractGuiComponent to take advantage of the addHiddenField() method and the AbstractRenderer. After creating the GUI component in the data utility, call the method addHiddenField() in the AbstractGuiComponent class. For example:
LocationInputGuiComponent guiComponent = new
(CreateAndEditWizBean.FORM_PROCESSOR_DELEGATE, "com.
The hidden input field will be generated for you by the AbstractRenderer automatically. If the field is associated with a step or table row that has an object handle, that object handle will be embedded in the HTML name attribute of the hidden field. If you choose to return a GUI component that does not extend AbstractGuiComponent, your GUI component and renderer would have to know how to render the necessary hidden field.
You can include a hidden field for your delegate directly in your jsp file. However, one of the first two methods is preferred because it encapsulates the hidden field with its associated HTML input fields.