Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Windchill Client Architecture Wizard > Customization Points > Providing client side validations before a wizard step is displayed
Providing client side validations before a wizard step is displayed
You can configure a user-defined javascript function, which will be called when a wizard step is loaded but before it is displayed. You need to write you own functionality in some javascript function and specify the name of function as the value for the attribute "beforeJS" while defining the action for that particular step. This particular step will only be displayed if the specified function returns "true", else the wizard will move to the previous step. For example:
In <*-actions>.xml
<action name="setClassificationAttributesWizStep" beforeJS ="
<command windowType="wizard_step"/>
In any JSP page or Javascript file accessible to wizard
<script type="text/javascript">
function validatePreviousStep() {
return true;