Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Windchill Client Architecture Wizard > Limitations
Windchill Wizard framework takes help from Windchill Action framework to pick up the localized wizard title either from the related .rbInfo file or from a action_<locale>.properties file. It uses the <objectType> and <action> to fetch the required value. The problem arises when you try to use “url” attribute of “command” tag (while defining the wizard action). If the value of the “url” attribute points to a jsp page whose name matches with some another action, the wizard framework will receive localized title corresponding to that action.
Consider the following scenario:
<action name="createPartWizard">
<command class="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.forms.CreatePartFormProcessor"
method="execute" onClick="validateCreateLocation(event)"

<action name="createMultiPart" >
<command class =
method="execute" onClick="validateCreateLocation(event)"
url="/netmarkets/jsp/part/createPartWizard.jsp?wizardType=multiPart" />
In the above specified case, the wizard title for the action “createMultiPart” will be picked up from the property “part.createPartWizard.title.value” and not from the property “part.CreateMultiPart.title.value”.
The workaround for this scenario is to use the “title” attribute of the wizard tag. If this attribute is specified, the wizard framework will not try to look in to any rbInfo or properties file. However, be sure that you provide a localized string as a title to wizard tag. For example:
<%@ taglib prefix="jca" uri=""%>
<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="fmt"%>

<fmt:setBundle basename="com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.part.partResource"/>
<fmt:message var="createMultiplePartWizardTitle" key =
"part.createMultiPart.WIZARD_LABEL" />

<jca:wizard helpSelectorKey="PartMultipleCreate"