Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Windchill Client Architecture Wizard > Customization Points > Hiding a wizard step
Hiding a wizard step
There are two ways to hide a wizard step. First, you can hide a wizard step initially when the wizard is launched. Secondly, you can hide the wizard step at run time depending on certain criteria or certain user actions. In both the cases, it is mandatory to register the wizard step while defining the wizard.
In <your_wizard_page>.jsp
<jca:wizard >
<jca:wizardStep action="defineItemWizStep" type="object"/>
<jca:wizardStep action=" setClassificationAttributesWizStep " type="object" />
<jca:wizardStep action="affectedAndResultingItemsStep" type="changeTask" />
To implement first way of hiding a step, you can make use of the “hidden” attribute of <action> tag. For example:
In <*-actions>.xml
<action name="setClassificationAttributesWizStep" hidden="true">
<command windowType="wizard_step"/>
To hide a wizard step at runtime, you need to use a javascript function called “removeStep” which is defined in main.js file. You need to pass the “id” of the step that needs to be removed. The default id of the step is in the format “<type>.<action>”. Use the value of the “id” attribute if it is defined explicitly while defining wizard step action. For example:
In <your_wizardstep_page>.jsp
<table border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top" NOWRAP>
<w:radioButton id="copy" name="<%=NmObjectHelper.CHOICE%>"
value="<%=NmObjectHelper.CB_COPY%>" checked="true"
onclick="removeStep(<type>.<action >);"/>
Clerk does not use the of conditional display of steps (i.e. hidden steps), so all the steps will be preloaded and displayed to the user.