Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Windchill Client Architecture Wizard > Solution > Procedure – Configuring Wizard Component > Define a Clerk
Define a Clerk
Defining a clerk is exactly same as defining a wizard, the only difference in the case of a clerk is that you define the type as "clerk".
<jca:wizard type="clerk">
<jca:wizardStep action="defineItemWizStep" type="object"/>
<jca:wizardStep action="setAttributesWizStep" type="object" />
<jca:wizardStep action="affectedAndResultingItemsStep" type="changeTask" />
After defining the wizard type as "clerk", the wizard will be displayed as per the Clerk UI standards. Step indicators will not appear and step titles will be displayed as tabs. The Next and Previous buttons will not be displayed for Clerk. The user can navigate from any step to any step without entering the required fields. The validation for required fields will be done when the user clicks on the "OK" button. The user will be shown a message about required fields and will be taken to the appropriate steps, where required fields are not populated.
The Clerk Component has a provision through which application developers can call their specific validation logic.
For example: An application developer can write following code in jsp file to call javascript() on “OK” Button.
Event.observe($("PJL_wizard_ok"), 'click', userdefinedjavascriptFunction );