Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Customizing Reusable Wizard Steps > Reusable Wizard Steps > defineItemAttributesWizStep > Customizations > How to add components to the step
How to add components to the step
To add components to the step (for example, additional checkboxes at the bottom) do the following:
1. Create a new main jsp file for the step
2. Copy the contents of the file <Windchill>/netmarkets/jsp/object/defineItemWizStep.jsp into the new file.
3. Add the desired components to the page as follows:
<div id='driverAttributesPane'>
Add components here if you want them to appear below the
drive attributes panel

<div id='setAttributesTablePane'></div>
Add components here if you want them to appear below the attributes panel
4. Create a new builder class for the step, overriding the getView() method to specify the view jsp for the step.
The suggested Name for the builder class for this step is
<object type>
The suggested name for view JSP for this step is:
defineItemAttributesWizStep For<object type>.jsp (if there is more than one in the directory)
If the object is RevisionControlled one example of additional information to include is a Keep checked out checkbox, include the following jsp in the view jsp to display it: /netmarkets/jsp/components/keepCheckedOutCheckbox.jspf
See Default view JSP for the Set Attributes Step for WTPart and Create Wizard Using Keep Checked Out Checkbox for examples.