Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Building Wizards to Edit a Single Object > Solution > Procedure — Creating an Edit Wizard > Create an Action for the Wizard
Create an Action for the Wizard
An action is needed to launch your wizard. This task is very similar to creating an action for a create wizard. The only difference is that your form processor, specified on the class attribute of the command tag, will typically be one of the processors listed in Solution Elements or a subclass of one of those classes.
For more details on the options available for this action see <action>.xml attributes. A simple action could look like this:
<objecttype name="FakeLiterature">
<action name="editLiterature">
<command class="com.ptc.core.components.forms.EditWorkableFormProcessor"
It is recommended that the action (and main wizard jsp file) be named “edit.” If there will be more than one edit action for the objecttype based on launch point or other criteria, add a suffix to the action name to qualify it, as shown below:
editFrom<launch page or table>
Ex: editFromAttributesTable
edit<name for a subset of attributes being edited>
Ex: editAnnotations
Add this action to an action model so that it can be accessed it on the Windchill system.