Advanced Customization > Business Logic Customization > Customizing Windchill Visualization Services > Custom Publishing > Solution > Procedure – Customizing General Publishing > Filtering All Publishing
Filtering All Publishing
In addition to the filters specifically for EPMDocuments and WTDocuments described in Procedure – Customizing Check-in Based Publishing, Windchill Visualization Services has a more general hook that is called for anything that can be published (including EPM and WTDocuments). In addition to supporting the filtering of all Representables, this hook also includes publishing of pre-converted data.
In a custom class you can define a method with the following signature:
public static Boolean filterMethod(Persistable p, Boolean
You can use whatever name you want in place of filterMethod. Make sure the class that contains your custom method is accessible in the Windchill codebase (i.e. ext.wvs.MyFilterMethods). This method includes a publishFromDB parameter. This Boolean will come in as Boolean.TRUE if the publish is being invoked for data stored in Windchill, i.e. content of an EPMDocument or WTDocument object. The value will come in as Boolean.FALSE if the publish is for data not stored in Windchill, i.e. local data converted from the file system or data from the clipboard. You can use the value of publishFromDB to have your custom code handle the two cases specifically if you wish.
The next step is to add the class and method to The following property is empty out-of-the-box. Update it to include your class and filter method in the format “class/method”.
<Property default="ext.wvs.MyFilterMethods/filterMethod"
Once you make the change use the xconfmanager to propagate the changes to
Every time publishing would normally occur, this method will now be invoked. If the method returns Boolean.TRUE publishing will be attempted for the Persistable. If the method returns Boolean.FALSE, publishing will not be attempted.
The following is a simple example of how to filter out publishing of the content if the Persistable is LifeCycleManaged and in its final phase of its LifeCyle:
public static Boolean filterMethod(Persistable p, Boolean publishFromDB) {
if (!publishFromDB) return Boolean.TRUE;
if (!(p instanceof LifeCycleManaged)) return Boolean.TRUE;
try {
if (LifeCycleHelper.service.isInFinalPhase((LifeCycleManaged)p)) {
return Boolean.FALSE;
} catch (WTException wte) {
return Boolean.TRUE;
In the above example the second line states that if the data requested for publishing is not from the Windchill DB, then just return true. For example if someone is publishing data on a WTPart that was uploaded from their local disk, we are saying we don't wish to filter this out and to simply return Boolean.TRUE.