What’s New > Windchill > 11.1 M010 > Deployment and Configuration > WVS: Controlling Representation Creation from UI
WVS: Controlling Representation Creation from UI
Product: Windchill Visualization Services
Release: 11.1 M010
An administrator can now configure the ability to publish a representation from the Details page thumbnail panel (Create default representation) and New Representation wizard differently.
Additional Details
The webpage.allowpublish.<object_type> properties configure the ability of users or administrators or both to publish from the user interface by object type.
If a single value is entered, it applies for all UI methods.
If two values are entered separated by a forward slash (/), the first value applies to Create default representation, and the second value applies to New Representation wizard.
One of the three following values can be set:
True—enables all users to publish the specified type.
False—no users can publish the type.
Admin—only administrators (system, project, or product administrators) can publish.
Example 1—enable the Create default representation method for the CAD Document objects for all users but restrict the ability to publish them from the New Representation wizard to administrators only:
Example 2—prevent Create default representation method for Windchill Document objects completely but allow all users to publish them from the New Representation wizard:
Related Information
For more information, see Windchill Visualization Service Properties.