What’s New > Windchill > 11.1 M010 > End User > Security Management: Support Context-Based Agreements with Multi-Context Capability
Security Management: Support Context-Based Agreements with Multi-Context Capability
Product: Windchill
Release: 11.1 M010
Provides the ability to add multiple contexts to a context-based agreement, previously limited to a single context
Additional Details
Earlier, there was a limitation of adding only a single context to a context-based agreement. This change allows multiple contexts to be added to a single context-based agreement. When there is a need to provide access to multiple contexts through a single context-based agreement, now one agreement may be used where multiple agreements would have been required in the past.
You can create a context-based agreement with multiple contexts by adding contexts in the Authorized Contexts table in the New Agreement window. You can also add multiple contexts to an existing context based agreement by adding contexts in Authorized Contexts table on the Edit Agreement window.
Related Information
For more information, see Authorized Contexts Table, Creating Agreements, Editing Agreements and Agreements Information Page.