Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Transforming an eBOM into an mBOM > Revising Parts with Equivalence Links
Revising Parts with Equivalence Links
When revising a part, if the new revision is not associated with the latest revision of the equivalent upstream part, you need to update the equivalence link.
To be revised, an object must be checked in.
1. Select the object to be revised.
2. Click Revise with Link.
3. The Update Equivalent Part dialog box appears.
The Update Equivalent Part dialog box displays a list of all other versions of the equivalent part.
4. Select the version you would like to link to. If equivalent occurrences exist for the selection, then select the Update Usage Options box to propagate any updates that have been made to the assigned choices on the upstream part to the downstream equivalent part.
5. Click the Show equivalence report button to view a comparison report for the two parts.
6. Click Yes to update the equivalent part, using the selected part.
7. Enter a location for the new revision, or click Browse to navigate to an existing location.
Revisions are stored in different folders in the Windchill database. This enables you to view past revisions, and revision histories.
8. Click OK.
Revising Out of Date Objects During BOM Transformations
If an upstream object is out of date and has been revised, then you are given the option of creating a new revision of an existing downstream equivalent link object while performing a BOM transformation. Alternatively, you can decide to prevent the creation of a new revision on the existing downstream object.
To revise out of date objects during BOM transformations:
Click Revise while performing a structure transformation.
For more information see Adding Parts with Associative BOM Links.
To enable this feature you must first set the Revise Existing Downstream Objects preference.