Specialized Administration > Site Maintenance > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Establishing Connections
Establishing Connections
When you connect your JMX client to Windchill, you connect to a specific servlet engine, server manager or method server JVM process. From each connection, you are able to manage a different set of actions. To get an overall picture of your entire Windchill system, connect to each JVM process in your environment.
The JConsole graphing and charting capabilities only apply to the JVM to which you are connected.
When you are using JConsole on the same machine and as the same user under which a process is running, the process appears in the list of local JMX-monitorable processes upon startup. The server manager and method servers process names are recognizable. The Tomcat servlet engine is now located within the method server and servlet engine process can be found within the method server process.
The following sections provide some additional information about your connections.