Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Customizing PSE Menus, Toolbars and Popup Menus > Customizing a Popup Menu
Customizing a Popup Menu
It is possible to change the content of a Popup Menu for a given mode. Adding existing actions, deleting and re-ordering the items in the definitions are supported.
Consider the Uses tab. The popup menu for the table does not, out-of-the-box; include the actions Insert Existing and Insert New in Draft mode. To add these to the popup menu, simply change the XML in ExplorerMenusForUsesTab.xml such that these MenuItemIdentifier is inserted.
<ModePopupMenu id="PopupMenuB">
<Import id="ptc.wnc.exp.DraftAppMode"/>
<Import id="ptc.wnc.exp.AnnotateAppMode"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ptc.wnc.exp.CutAssocMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ptc.wnc.exp.CopyAssocMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ptc.wnc.exp.PasteAssocMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="AddChildMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="NewChildMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ReplaceExistingMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="CreateAndReplaceMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ReplaceNewMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ReplaceAlternateMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ptc.wnc.exp.RevertAssocMI"/>
<MenuItemIdentifier id="ptc.wnc.exp.CommentAssocMI"/>
The results in the “Replace with Alternate/Substitute” appearing in the popup in the Uses Tab as shown in the Intended Outcome.