Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Creating a Requirements Tab > Define the <StructureDefinitionSimple> element for the part to requirement association
Define the <StructureDefinitionSimple> element for the part to requirement association
This defines the StructureDefinitionSimple element used by the StructureAuthorDefinition element.
1. Open the ExplorerStructures.xml file from the following location:
2. Find the section in the file where the structure definitions are defined. After the last <StructureDefinition> element, add the following definition:
<Import id="ptc.wnc.exp.WTPartTD"/>
The id attribute for the <StructureDefinitionSimple> must match the id specified in the import sub-element of the <StructureAuthorDefinition> element defined above.