Additional Windchill Capabilities > Manufacturing Process Management > Customizing the Product Structure Explorer (PSE) > Creating a Requirements Tab > Define <ActionDefinition> elements referred to in the <MenuItem> elements > Define the ActionDefinition Element for the Fulfill Requirements Action
Define the ActionDefinition Element for the Fulfill Requirements Action
This will define the Action Definition element for the Fulfill Requirements action.
As detailed above, locate the <ExplorerElementGroup> element with a sub-element <LogicContext> with the application attribute value of 'ptc.pdm.ProductStructureExplorer'. After the LogicContext element, add an ActionDefinition element like the following:
<ActionDefinition id="mycom.wnc.exp.FulfillRequirementAction"

<Import id="mycom.wnc.exp.PartToRequirementSD"/>
<Import id="ptc.wnc.exp.IsValidInAllWithReadVAL"/>
The id attribute defined in the <ActionDefinition> must match the import id defined for the FulfillReqMI menu item defined in PDMLinkExplorerMenusForRequirementsTab.xml.
The actionClass attribute will be defined based on the node structure for Change Items and Design Solutions. If the set of Design Solutions are immediately under the Change Item node, then the following class should be specified: com.ptc.windchill.explorer.structureexplorer.panel.actions.FulfillChangeActionAction. If the set of Design Solutions are located two levels down from their Change Item node, then the following class should be specified: com.ptc.windchill.explorer.structureexplorer.panel.actions.FulfillChangeActionForStruc tureWithIntermediateNodeAction.
The import id in the <StructureAuthorAction> element must match the id of the structure definition defined in the ExplorerStructures.xml file.
All parts located at the level defined by the actionClass will be considered potential Design Solutions for fulfillment and presented to the user in a picklist.