Basic Customization > User Interface Customization > Constructing Wizards > Windchill Client Architecture Wizard > Customization Points > Displaying the hidden / dynamic step at runtime
Displaying the hidden / dynamic step at runtime
You can show up the hidden wizard step at runtime using the javascript function called “insertStep” which is defined in main.js file. You need to pass the “id” of the step that needs to be inserted. The default id of the step is in the format “<type>.<action>”. Use the value of the “id” attribute if it is defined explicitly while defining wizard step action. It is mandatory to register the wizard step while defining the wizard.
For example:
In <your_wizard_page>.jsp
<jca:wizard >
<jca:wizardStep action="defineItemWizStep" id=” defineItemWizStep”
<jca:wizardStep action=" setClassificationAttributesWizStep " type="object" />
<jca:wizardStep action="affectedAndResultingItemsStep" type="changeTask" />
In <*-actions>.xml
<action name="setClassificationAttributesWizStep" hidden="true">
<command windowType="wizard_step"/>
In <your_wizardstep_page>.jsp
<table border="0">
<td align="left" valign="top" NOWRAP>
<w:radioButton id="copy" name="<%=NmObjectHelper.CHOICE%>"
value="<%=NmObjectHelper.CB_COPY%>" checked="true"
Will the Wizard Steps be Clickable?
The intended behavior for whether the steps in a multi-step wizard will be clickable is determined by a number of factors, including whether a step has been visited and/or completed, and whether a step is marked as required or not. The following list summarizes the intended behavior:
When a wizard has a combination of required and non-required or optional steps, proper UX design dictates that all the required steps should appear sequentially before the optional steps.
The current active step should be clickable (call this step1). The term 'clickable' indicates the cursor changes to a pointing hand image when hovered over the step number, and clicking the step performs an action, either navigation or message.
The step after the current active step should also be clickable (call this step2). However, if there are any required fields yet to be completed on step1, clicking step2 should provide a warning message about the missing information and block the move. Essentially, the step after the current active step should perform the same action as clicking the Next button.
Once all of the required steps have been visited, (and the OK/Finish/Apply button becomes enabled), the remaining optional steps should be clickable.
Any time a given wizard step has been visited, that step should be clickable. This applies for both forward and backward navigation, and need not be single-step. For example, in a five step wizard, if you've completed the first four steps, then wish to navigate back to verify something on the first step, you can navigate there directly by clicking step1, then returning directly to step4.
An example with all steps required is the "New ECAD Design" wizard, and an example with only the first step required is the "New Change Request" wizard.