Checks out the object to the current user if it is not already checked out. Adds an object reference to the working copy as an attribute of the current HTTPRequest, as a parameter in HTTPRequestData parameter map of the NmCommandBean, and as a hidden field in the DOM. The key to the working copy value is CreateAndEditWizBean.WORKING_COP Y_REF_PARAMETER_NAME.
This tag should be put in the main JSP for the wizard immediately below the initializeItem tag.
Tag library: <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/tlds/wo rkinprogress.tld
Tag handler: com.ptc.windchill.enterprise.wip.tags.Auto CheckOutObjectTag
Java class
This bean is available to your jsps if you include the includeWizBean jspf file. It has getter methods for wizard data such as the operation (create or edit) and working copy object reference.
Java Classes
You can use the classes below to help create and process your wizard. They are located in the <Windchill>/codebase/WEB-INF/lib/wnc Web.jar file.
CreateAndEditModelGet ter
Java class
A class that may be called via a getModel tag to generate the data for property panels and attributes tables in edit wizards.
DefaultEditFormProcess or
Java class
A class that may be used or extended to process wizard form data for nonWorkable objects. Extends DefaultObjectFormProcessor.
EditWorkableFormProc essor
Java class
A class that may be used or extended to process wizard form data for Workable objects. Extends DefaultObjectFormProcessor.