Loading Global Attributes
The <csvCreateSupplier>, <csvSourcingContext>, <csvBeginManfuacturerPart>, and <csvBeginVendorPart> elements support the loading of global attributes using the <csvIBAValue> tag. This tag is not nested within the relevant create tag, but instead, must be placed immediately after the create tag in the load file. After all global attributes are added to the object, the “end” tag that corresponds to the create tag you are using must be configured. For example, to add global attributes to a sourcing context, add the following lines:
<csvSourcingContext handler="com.ptc.windchill.suma.axl.LoadAXL.createContext">
<csvname>North America</csvname>
<csvIBAValue handler="wt.iba.value.service.LoadValue.createIBAValue" >
<csvEndSourcingContext handler="com.ptc.windchill.suma.axl.LoadAXL.endCreateContext"/>