Specialized Administration > Supporting Visualization and Publishing > WVS Publisher > File Synchronization > Using a File Synchronization-Capable Worker > Configuring the Creo View Adapter for Creo Parametric for HTTPS > Accepting Certificates on UNIX
Accepting Certificates on UNIX
A UNIX worker only publishes on HTTPS servers if you log in to the worker machine to start an X server and an X display, and then disable display access control for it by executing the following command:
xhost +
In addition, the worker script file must include the environment variable to display the machine name. For example:
setenv DISPLAY <machine name>:0
The following is a sample modified proeworker file:
#!/bin/csh -f

echo Launching proe2pv in worker mode - see log file proeworker.log
setenv DISPLAY crescendo.ptcnet.ptc.com:0


setenv PVIEW_HOME "/disk2/ndm-viz/local/productview_adapters"

setenv PVIEW_WORKING_DIR `pwd`

cd "/disk2/ndm-viz/local/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire"

echo Launching proe2pv in worker mode > proeworker.log

"$PVIEW_HOME/bin/proe2pv" -vc -vL "/disk2/ndm-
viz/local/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire/proeworker.log" -
EW -CSsonata 2573 -r "/disk2/ndm-
viz/local/workers/qaxw6000_PDMPJL90/wildfire/proe2pv.rcp" $*:q
A UNIX worker must be configured to accept certificates from the Creo Parametric or the Windchill Workgroup Manager browser. To accomplish this, follow these steps:
1. Open Creo Parametric or the Windchill Workgroup Manager on the worker system.
2. Browse to the Windchill server using the same logon information as the worker on the server.
3. Select the option for “Remember this certificate permanently” and click Continue.
4. Click Exit to exit Creo Parametric or the Windchill Workgroup Manager.