Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > Configuring Windchill Service Information Manager and Service Parts > Setting Up Translation > Translation Management Support
Translation Management Support
Windchill Service Information Manager Translation Management is installed as part of Windchill Service Information Manager. This document assumes that you are familiar with the following documentation:
Windchill Service Information Manager
Instructions for configuring Windchill Service Information Manager are in Configuring Windchill Service Information Manager and Windchill Service Parts, available from Windchill Help Center and from the PTC Reference Documents site.
Windchill PDMLink installation and configuration:
Getting Started with Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide
Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide
Windchill Installation and Configuration Guide — Update Existing Installation
Windchill Basic Administration Guide
These manuals are available from Windchill Help Center and from the PTC Reference Documents site: