Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > Customizing Service Information Manager and Service Parts > Custom Product Models > Understanding Product Hierarchy
Understanding Product Hierarchy
Product Hierarchy Overview
A custom data model called a product hierarchy is a type of structure which can organize information by product categories. Examples of using product hierarchy to organize product data include product family and product sales model. These product hierarchy structure types are implemented as subtypes of Part (WTPart), and their context constraints are defined in the Type and Attribute Management utility.
In Service Information Manager, the relationship between a service structure and product hierarchy is defined by a service effectivity object set on the root of the service structure. The service effectivity context is a product hierarchy node. The service effectivity type is configured in the Type and Attribute Management and specified in a properties file.
Publishing can be launched from the product hierarchy root or one of its nodes. When publishing to a bundle, the user can set the filter criteria and choose a publishing rule to be applied.
The product hierarchy can be used when navigating the published information in Servigistics InService.
Setting Up Product Hierarchy for Service Structures
Sites can define their own product hierarchy types through the configuration defined as follows. You need to define at least one root type and one or more child types.
Product hierarchy structures are subtypes of WTPart. For example, you would need to define the following at a minimum:
You can create WTPart subtypes of these product hierarchy subtypes.
Setting up product hierarchy structures is documented in the Servigistics InService Utilities Configuration Guide.
After defining the product hierarchy subtypes, you need to add them to the Service Information Manager.xconf properties configuration file. The properties configuration file identifies the basic subtype and child subtypes. Using the xconfmanager utility, update the following file and then stop and start the method server:
For more information on the xconfmanager, see About the xconfmanager Utility in Windchill Help Center.
Linking a Service Structure with a Product Hierarchy
After setting up a product hierarchy, you can link a service structure to it by assigning the product hierarchy or a product hierarchy node as a Service Effectivity context on the service structure. The Manage Applicability dialog box has a Service Effectivity type of applicability, where you define the relationship by choosing product hierarchies and product hierarchy nodes for the service structure.
To link a service structure to a product hierarchy structure or node:
1. Select the service structure and choose the Manage Applicability action from the context menu.
2. Choose Add Service Effectivity and then choose the Type.
3. Use the Advanced Search for Context. In the Search On field, select which object types you want to search. The types list displays Part and all its defined subtypes. Defined product hierarchy types and subtypes will be included in the list.
4. Enter the search criteria, then choose a product hierarchy or product hierarchy node from the list. After you click OK, set the Serial Number or Date to apply to the selected context. When you click Apply or OK, the Effectivity Context you defined is listed in Service Effectivity.
This type of Service Effectivity should not be confused with the Service Effectivity that can be defined in a Filter.
When generating a publication structure from an information structure, the Service Effectivity link to the product hierarchy is preserved in the new publication structure.
By default, the list of all Part (WTPart) subtypes are presented to the user. You can control the list of subtypes by specifying the Service Effectivity contexts in the configuration file. The context configuration applies to the Service Effectivity section of the Manage Applicability window and the Service Effectivity tab of the Edit Filter window. Be sure to read Customizing Service Effectivity for information on how to deploy service effectivity context configuration for your site using this file:
Setting Up a Directory Structure for Managing Customized Files and Text Tailoring provides more implementation information.
Specify the type definition that is used in in your entry. The context entry takes the form:
Publishing a Product Hierarchy
A product hierarchy is published separately from a service structure (product hierarchy is a custom model type, and publishing is enabled as part of the customization). A publishing rule also needs to be set up for users to choose when they create a New Representation from the product hierarchy.
Metadata attributes can be configured for publishing in the publishable_attset.xml. For more information, see Defining Attribute Sets.
The publishing payload for a service structure contains the relatedContexts.xml file, which defines the relationship between the service structure and the product hierarchy. The file contains the following attributes:
the subtype of the target product hierarchy node
the URI of the source service structure root in the payload
the URI of the product hierarchy or product hierarchy node that is the service effectivity context for the source service structure.
Publishing supports XML bundle publishing and XSL publishing output from a product hierarchy or product hierarchy node that is linked to a service structure using a service effectivity context.
Only graphics conversions and URI references are processed during publishing.