Additional Windchill Capabilities > Service Information Management > About Windchill Service Parts > Parts List Illustrations > Creating Parts List Representations
Creating Parts List Representations
Using the Parts List Editor, you can create the following parts list representations:
Parts List Structure — A PVZ representation of the parts list supplied to the technical illustrator as input to creating the final technical illustration used in the parts list.
A PVZ (zip) file contains files used by the illustrator. For more information, see Publishing a Parts List
Published Parts List — A representation (typically PDF or HTML) of a parts list and its associated illustration(s). This representation is useful for routing a parts list for review.
Use the following procedure to create a representation of the parts list.
1. In the Parts List Editor, select the top node of the parts list you want to publish and choose the Representation action from the shortcut menu or from the Publish action set in the Structure tab toolbar on the part information page. A Publish Representation window appears.
2. Enter the following details about the publish job:
Name — name of the representation that forms the value of its Name attribute
Description — text description of the representation that forms the value of its Description attribute
Type — select Parts List Structure or Published Parts List as the type of representation that is created
Set as Default (if selecting Parts List Structure in the Type field) — check this option if you would like this to be the default representation that displays in the Details tab.
3. When you are finished, click Submit Publish Job. A confirmation message displays stating that the job was submitted and completed.
You can monitor the progress of your job through the WVS Job Monitor. To access the WVS Job Monitor, click the WVS Job Monitor link in the confirmation message.
The new representation is listed in the Representations tab on the part information page.
If you are publishing in languages that include special characters, especially those in the CJK set, you must ensure that your environment provides the font required to support these languages:
Configure the stylesheet to use the required fonts
Install the Arial Unicode MS font on your Servigistics Arbortext Publishing Engine server
The APP print engine uses this font as a fallback if it cannot locate the required font.
Filtering the Parts List
You can define filters to specify which objects are included in the representation. You can filter the display of items in the parts list on applicability based on service effectivity and basic/advanced expressions (ATO). Refer to Filtering the Display of Parts for further information.
Maintaining Multiple Representations/Illustrations of a Parts List
It is possible to produce and store multiple representations/illustrations of a parts list, based on different navigation criteria (filters on options/choices and service effectivity).
When creating an illustration of a parts list with Windchill Workgroup Manager (WGM), you can select a parts list representation as the source of the new illustration. The graphics dynamic document (GDD) generated will be uniquely named in the format GDD_PartsListName_PartsListNumber_IllustrationName_GDDNumber. It will be based on any navigation criteria set for the parts list in the selected representation. The GDD and illustration file can then be passed to the illustrator for transformation into the parts list illustration.
Publishing a subsequent illustration will generate a new uniquely identified GDD with the same number format, with the most current illustration associated. You can select a parts list representation with different navigation criteria as the source of the illustration. The new GDD can be sent to the illustrator to update the illustration for the parts list. He can update the SBOM to the illustration to retain its synchronization with the latest GDD.
If the parts list is subsequently renamed, the most current GDD associated with the parts list is also renamed. The format of the new name is new parts list name_new parts list number_illustration name_GDD number.
1. Publish a representation of your parts list, with required any filters for options/choices and service effectivity set
You can configure publishing rules to automatically generate a representation on any action, for example checking in the parts list. For more information on publishing rules, see Service Publishing Rules.
2. Launch Windchill Workgroup Manager, if required
3. Create a parts list illustration, using the New > Illustration action
In the New Illustration dialog box, choose Parts List Representation in the Input Source field
In the Choose Input Source window, select the required parts list representation
4. Check in the newly created illustration file
5. The new GDD is listed in the Published Content Documents table of the Related Objects tab for the parts list. The new illustration file is shown in the Dynamic Documents table.
6. When you create a subsequent illustration, you can use create a new parts list representation or select a different existing one to capture the required navigation criteria. The generated GDD and illustration file will reflect these filters.
For more information on Windchill Workgroup Manager, see Introduction to Windchill Workgroup Manager.