Enterprise Administration > Windchill Export and Import > Windchill PLM Connector - Creo Packages > Windchill PLM Connector – Creo Packages > Installation and Configuration > Client Installation and Configuration > Prerequisites
Ensure that the following prerequisites are met before beginning the Creo Packages client installation:
Ensure that the following software products are installed on your local machine:
Creo Parametric with runtime Pro/Toolkit and JLink environment
A Java SE Development Kit (JDK) version compatible with the Windchill products installed on the Windchill server
Determine the target location of the Creo Packages client installation.
Determine the location in Windchill where the baselines used to record export and import information will be stored.
Determine if bootstrapping will be implemented during or after the installation of Creo Packages.
To bootstrap the client, the Creo Packages server software must be installed and configured correctly on Windchill and the Windchill server must be up and running.
Ensure that at least 40 MB of disk space is available for the installation.
Collect the following information before proceeding:
Windchill server URL to which this connects
Creo Parametric installation directory
JDK installation directory