Installation and Upgrade > Windchill Upgrade Reference > Windchill Upgrade Manager > Additional Upgrade Manager Commands
Additional Upgrade Manager Commands
Start the Upgrade Manager within a Windchill shell as follows:
When launching the Upgrade Manager startup script, the following commands can be appended to the Upgrade Manager command for the following purposes:
Does the Compare Database Schema step only.
Adds Custom Typed columns (performs no other changes).
Runs the Upgrade without launching the user interface.
Exports the configuration branch from the LDAP to the following location: <WT_HOME>\Upgrade\UpgradePhases\ConfigureDatabaseAndLDAP.
Imports the configuration branch created by running the export command to from the LDAP.
-exportdbhistory <file>
Exports the contents of the database’s install and upgrade history into the specified file.
-importdbhistory <file>
Reads the install and upgrade history from the specified XML file and replaces the database’s history with the information.