Installation and Upgrade > Updating an Existing Windchill Installation > Updating an Existing Installation > Updating Other Windchill Products > Updating Design Control and Document Control Modules for Windchill Quality Solutions
Updating Design Control and Document Control Modules for Windchill Quality Solutions
If you used the design control and document control modules for Windchill Quality Solutions in 11.0 M010 or 11.0 M020, and you are updating to 11.0 M030, follow these steps:
1. Add the following properties in the site.xconf file:
<Property name="Windchill.QualityManagement.DesignControl"
<Property name="Windchill.QualityManagement.DocControl"
2. From a Windchill shell, run the xconfmanager -p command.
3. Restart the method server.
If you are updating from 11.0 M020 to 11.0 M030, follow these additional steps:
1. If you have training records in a released state, complete the workflows before continuing to the next step.
2. Update the 11.0 M020 build with the latest 11.0 M030 build.
3. Run the AddColumns tool to add columns for the Document type.
For example:
D:\Windchill_installation\Windchill\bin>AddColumns.bat wt.doc.WTDocument
String=10 Long=10 Double=10 Boolean=10
4. Create dummy local attributes at the document level with the same data type as their original attribute data types.
The original attributes are trainingInterval, trainingIntervalLeadTime, and trainingOnRelease.
5. Copy the data from the original attributes to the dummy attributes at the Document level using the following command:
windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool wt.doc.WTDocument
trainingInterval trainingIntervalCopy -u wcadmin -p wcadmin

windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool wt.doc.WTDocument
trainingIntervalLeadTime trainingIntervalLeadTimeCopy -u wcadmin -p wcadmin

windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool wt.doc.WTDocument
trainingOnRelease TrainingOnReleaseCopy -u wcadmin -p wcadmin

If the original attributes are not removed from the Type and Attribute Management utility, delete them manually from the Document type using the following commands:
6. Rename the following quality templates from the Site level before performing the add-on installation.
Templates > Product Templates > Quality Demo Product Template
Templates > Library Templates > Quality Demo Library Template
7. Perform the add-on installation to overwrite the quality management VRD modules. Install the design control and document control modules as optional components.
8. Copy the data from the dummy attributes to the original attributes on the Controlled Document subtype using the following commands:
windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool com.ptc.ControlledDocument
trainingIntervalCopy trainingInterval -u wcadmin -p wcadmin

windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool com.ptc.ControlledDocument
trainingIntervalLeadTimeCopy trainingIntervalLeadTime -u wcadmin -p wcadmin

windchill com.ptc.core.lwc.server.TypeAttributeMoveTool com.ptc.ControlledDocument
TrainingOnReleaseCopy TrainingOnRelease -u wcadmin -p wcadmin
If the dummy attributes are not removed from the Type and Attribute Management utility, delete them manually from the Controlled Document subtype using the following commands:
9. After the add-on installation is complete, load the following files: