Specialized Administration > Site Maintenance > Using Java Management Extensions (JMX) > Establishing Connections > Server Manager Connections
Server Manager Connections
The server manager connection provides you with high-level information such as total memory consumption, local and remote server calls, heap memory usage, live threads, logging options for the server manager, and email notifications.
Since method servers have a more unpredictable life cycle than server managers and use dynamically selected port numbers for JMX communication, server managers proxy their method servers’ MBeans by default. Thus, by connecting to a server manager, you can manage and monitor its method servers as well. However, when you require detailed information about a method server, you should connect directly to the specific method server.
JConsole does not pick up on the proxied MBean’s monitoring memory, and so on, from method server JVMs when targeting the server manager. Also, the proxy arrangement involves an extra inter-process hop and has somewhat lower performance and higher overhead.
Consider monitoring the server manager through the ServerManager monitoring MBean that is in this connection. The MethodServers monitoring MBean allows you to monitor method servers from the server manager.
For additional information about the ServerManager MBean, see ServerManager (Monitors).
For additional information about the MethodServers MBean, see MethodServers (Monitors).