Installation and Upgrade > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Network Configuration > Reverse Proxies > Basic Reverse Proxy Configuration > Configuring an Apache-based Web Server as a Reverse Proxy Server
Configuring an Apache-based Web Server as a Reverse Proxy Server
This section is intended to provide a reverse proxy example that has minimal details on configuring an Apache httpd server. PTC does not endorse or support any particular reverse proxy product. Each reverse proxy implementation has its own requirements that need to be evaluated by system and network administrators.
Remove the comment characters from the following lines in the httpd.conf file:
LoadModule proxy_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_connect_module modules/
LoadModule proxy_http_module modules/
Add following lines at the end of the httpd.conf file (some lines have been split to fit the width of the page):
ProxyPass /<web_app_name>/ http://<Windchill_host_name>/
<web_app_name>/ProxyPassReverse /
<web_app_name>/ http://<Windchill_host_name>/<web_app_name>/
/* To access Solr URL on Reverse Proxy Server */
ProxyPass /<web_app_name>-Solr/ http://<Windchill_host_name>[:<port>]/
ProxyPassReverse /<web_app_name>-Solr/
Where the values for <web_app_name> and <Windchill_host_name> are the same values you entered in Updating on the Windchill Host.