Installation and Upgrade > Advanced Deployment Considerations > Authentication > Configuring an Alternative Authentication in Windchill > Form-based Authentication > Web Server Configuration Update to Remove Constraints
Web Server Configuration Update to Remove Constraints
Remove all but anonymous and protocol-based authentication constraints from the web server configuration.
For the Windchill web application from Apache-based web servers that are configured for Windchill, complete the following steps to remove all authentication constraints except those for protocol-only authentication and those asserting anonymous access:
1. Open a Windchill shell and navigate to the <Windchill>/<httpserver_home> directory, where <Windchill> is the Windchill installation directory and <httpserver_home> is the web server installation directory.
2. Execute the following Ant script:
ant -f webAppConfig.xml regenWebAppConf -DappName=<WindchillWebAppName> -DprotocolAuthOnly=true
where <WindchillWebAppName> is the name of your Windchill web application as defined in the property in the file (for example, Windchill).