What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M030 > End User > Electronic Signatures
Electronic Signatures
Product: Windchill, Windchill Quality Solutions, Windchill CAPA, Windchill Customer Experience Management, Windchill Nonconformance
Release: 11.0 M030
This update improves the visibility of reviews and electronic signatures on business objects. This is helpful for medical device customers, who are required to demonstrate compliance with approvals and reviews.
Additional Details
Electronic signatures work for design reviews and for five change objects (problem report, variance, change request, promotion request, and change notice). Administrators can create additional objects.
The following data is captured for reporting and viewing on each object:
Names of the reviewers and signers
Roles of the reviewers and signers (for example, quality, design engineer, and so on)
Approved objects and the iteration level
State of the object at the time of the approval
State of the propagated object at the time of propagation, if applicable
If the review was created as a result of propagation, a reference to the source object
Date of approval
Result of the review (for example, rejected or approved) and associated routing options
If the review contained an electronic signature
Related Information
For more information, see Electronic Signatures.