What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 F000 > End User > Interoperability: Scheduled Synchronization for Shared Objects
Interoperability: Scheduled Synchronization for Shared Objects
Product: Windchill PDMLink, Windchill ProjectLink
Release: 11.0 F000
Automatically synchronize shared objects based on a schedule and designated user permissions.
Additional Details
Previously, project members were required to manually synchronize out-of-sync shared objects using the Update Project action. Now you can configure a project to automatically perform this action.
Two new fields have been added to the Create Project and Edit Project windows:
Synchronize Sharing
Scheduled synchronization—Allow automatic synchronization of shared objects.
Manual synchronization only—Only allow manual synchronization of out-of-sync shared objects.
Synchronization User
Select a user for whom the scheduled synchronization is performed. By default, this is the project owner.
For information on new configuration options to support scheduled synchronization, see Interoperability: Configure Scheduled Synchronization in Projects.
Scheduled Synchronization
Scheduled synchronization works the same as if the Synchronization User were to manually complete the Update Project action; therefore, the same rules that apply when using the Update Project action also apply for scheduled synchronization.
Enabling automatic synchronization does not prevent individual users from performing manual synchronization for shared objects.
Scheduled synchronization is only executed when the project is in the Running state.
The project Details page now includes the following fields:
Synchronization User—The user for whom the scheduled synchronization is performed.
Synchronize Sharing
—Indicates whether scheduled synchronization is enabled.
Last Auto-Synchronized—The date and time in which the project was last synchronized using scheduled synchronization. Manual updates do not affect this field.
By default, synchronization occurs once daily at 2:00 A.M. This is controlled by a property and can be changed by administrators.
An automated notification is sent to project managers if a scheduled synchronization job fails.
Synchronization User
The purpose of selecting a user is to determine which permissions are applied. Only objects to which the user has the required permissions are synchronized. Objects that are not included in the scheduled synchronization can still be manually updated by a user with appropriate access.
Candidates for this field are users who have been added to the Project Synchronization Users group. By default, this is the project owner.
Your synchronization selections are included when performing a Save as Project Template or Save as New Project operation.
This functionality is not available for programs.
For more information, see Synchronizing Shared Objects.