What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M020 > End User > CAD Data Management: 3D Printed Assembly Object Now Supported in Windchill
CAD Data Management: 3D Printed Assembly Object Now Supported in Windchill
Product:Windchill PDMLink
Release: 11.0 M020
In Creo 4, there is a new type of assembly for 3D printing called a “tray assembly” (TA). The TA is comprised of parts and sub-assemblies to be printed. Meta-data and unique objects relevant to the 3D printing process are included. The Creo user interacts with the TA and uses it to communicate with 3D printing software.
Additional Details
Currently, tray assemblies can only be opened in the following applications:
Creo Parametric
Creo Elements/Direct
Once a tray assembly object is selected in Windchill, you can use the action Open in Creo from standalone and embedded browsers.
Auto Association of tray assemblies is supported by default except for Owner or Image contexts.
If a tray assembly has an Owner relationship to a WTPart, reverse build of structure changes are prevented.
Related Information
For more information regarding tray assemblies and Auto Association, see Operation Preferences for descriptions of the following Windchill preferences: Disallow Product Structure Links by Document Sub-types and Disallow Structure CAD Document Sub-types.