What’s New > Windchill > 11.0 M020 > End User > CAD Data Management: Save As Support Using a Same Base Number Scheme for Creating New CAD Documents and Windchill Parts
CAD Data Management: Save As Support Using a Same Base Number Scheme for Creating New CAD Documents and Windchill Parts
Product: Windchill PDMLink
Release: 11.0 M020
You can now copy CAD documents and Windchill parts using the Save As action and choose a same base number scheme to maintain consistent naming and numbering conventions between the new objects. For example, you copy an existing part and its related CAD document to create a new part and related CAD document with the following conventions: Part No. 12345, CAD Doc No. 12345, and CAD Doc Filename 12345.<extension>.
Additional Details
This feature is supported in Creo 2 (P-10–36), Creo 3 (P-20–68), Creo 4 F000, all Windchill 11.0 supported workgroup managers, as well as the server commonspace.
The new (target) objects are associated in the same way as their original source objects.
The base number is calculated using a default or a user-defined expression stored in the server-side preference Operation > General > Base Number Regular Expression.
Save As conflicts resulting from non-compliance of naming conventions as set by a Windchill administrator are tracked and reported in the Event Manager.
Related Information
For more information, see Using Workspace Save As, Saving Commonspace Objects As New Objects, and Setting New Names