Integration with Other Applications > Integration with Production Systems > Integrating Windchill ESI With Oracle Applications > Using the Graphical User Interface > Managing Distribution Targets
Managing Distribution Targets
The Distribution Targets table is available from the Manage Distribution utility, available from Utilities under Organization or Site.
The Distribution Targets table identifies all distribution targets that exist in your database and which can receive data sent from your PDM system. These distribution targets may, or may not, already have objects associated with them. This table can be used to create, delete, edit a distribution target, or move a distribution target to its parent context.
Use the Distribution Targets window to create test distribution targets. Once you have completed your tests you can use this window to delete your test distribution targets.
The following actions are available from the Distribution Targets table:
Brings up the Distribution Targets details page for the selected distribution target.
Deletes the selected distribution targets. You must be an administrator to remove a distribution target. Select one or more distribution targets in the table and click . For more information see Deleting a Distribution Target.
Create Distribution Target
Initiates the operation to create a distribution target. You must be an administrator to add a distribution target.
Move to Parent Context
Moves the selected distribution target to a higher level (or parent) context.
Edit Distribution Target
Use to edit a distribution target.
The Distribution Targets table contains the following information:
Identifies the destination to which a business object may be published. (The value displayed is not the unique target name, but instead a human-readable form of the destination.)
Unique identifier for the distribution target that was entered when creating the distribution target.
Provides the description of the distribution target that was entered during the creation of the distribution target.
Identifies the context for the distribution target. A context is a generic name for the defined projects, programs, products, or libraries within which users work.
Indicates whether the distribution target is Active and can receive published business objects, or Inactive and unavailable to receive published business objects.
Default for Context
Indicates whether or not the distribution target is the default distribution target for all business objects for the context that the target belongs to.
When publishing a business object, default distribution targets (those that have the attribute Default for Context set to Yes) are automatically associated to the object, provided the targets belong in the same context as the object or to a higher level context. For parts however, this is further restricted by the value set for the Windchill ESI preference View To Distribution Target Mappings. For more information on how the value of this preference impacts the automatic association of distribution targets to parts see the Troubleshooting section.