What’s New > May 2023 > Enhanced Customization Analysis Gadget
Enhanced Customization Analysis Gadget
User Interface Location: Windchill Performance Advisor Dashboard
Product: Windchill Performance Advisor
Release: WPA 4.1
Provides an improved categorization of the customizations on the Customization Analysis Gadget.
The Customization analysis gadget has been enhanced with an improved categorization. It has been also organized to align with Windchill+ guidelines and guardrails. The dashboard provides information on the impact of the customization applied on the Windchill environment for the following criteria:
Allowed in Windchill+
Upgrade status
Security status
Portability status
The impact of the above parameters on customization artifacts is derived based on the type of the upgrade version selected by the user, that is, Windchill+ or other supported Windchill versions.
For more details, see Customization Analysis.