My Account > Company Settings
Company Settings
Session Summary
Under Session Summary, you can choose whether or not you want to display a session summary at the end of your sessions.
Encryption Type
Select which type of encryption your company will use for Chalk sessions.
Encryption Type
Standard Encryption (Recommended)
If you’re a new Chalk customer, this will be the default.
Allows for multi-expert sessions of up to five participants. This option offers the best balance of useful features and security. For more information, see Standard Encryption.
End-to-end Encryption (E2EE)
Allows for peer-to-peer sessions with only two participants, but offers the highest level of security. For more information, see End-to-End Encryption
Allow Host to Choose
Forces the host to choose which type of encryption they want to use each time they start a session.
This option is only recommended if users have obtained training on when to use standard encryption vs. E2EE, and have a vast knowledge of both types.