Activate a Business Account
Activate a Business Account
Once PTC sets up your Chalk for Business account, you’ll receive an email invitation from Click Sign Up in the email to activate your business account. Once activated, you’ll receive a confirmation email.
Invitation Expired?
Your invitation to activate your account expires after 7 days. If your invitation has expired, click the Activate Account link, and a request for a new invitation will be sent on your behalf. If your request is accepted, you’ll receive a new invitation.
If you’re a primary administrator and your invitation expires, clicking Activate Account will automatically send you a new invitation without the need to first send a request for one.
No Activation Email?
If you don’t receive an email to activate your account, check your spam or junk folder first.
If you have a PTC commercial account, and you still don’t see the email, open a case with PTC Technical Support through the eSupport site. If you are a primary administrator for a free, non-commercial account, contact
Free Work Accounts Will Upgrade
If you previously set up a free consumer account with your work email, your account will automatically update to a business account when you activate your business account through the email invite.
If you signed up for a free consumer account with your personal email, you’ll have access to both accounts.