Troubleshooting > Errors on Connector Startup > Error: Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem: Not authorized.
Error: Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem: Not authorized.
Here is the complete error message:

2019-07-31 15:05:17.982+0000 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.w.p.APIProcessor] [I: ]
[U: ConnectorUser] [S: ] [T: WSExecutionProcessor-1]
Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Subsystems/PlatformSubsystem/Services/GetExtensionPackageList/]:
Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem :
Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on GetExtensionPackageList in PlatformSubsystem

2019-07-31 15:05:17.983+0000 [L: ERROR] [O: c.t.s.s.w.p.WSExecutionInstance] [I: ] [U: ]
[S: ] [T: WSExecutionProcessor-1] error executing APIRequest Message:
Unable to dispatch [ uri = /Subsystems/PlatformSubsystem/Services/GetExtensionPackageList/]:
Unable to Invoke Service GetExtensionPackageList on PlatformSubsystem :
Not authorized for ServiceInvoke on GetExtensionPackageList in PlatformSubsystem,
sending ERROR ResponseMessage to caller!
Cause and Solution
This message indicates that the Azure IoT Hub Connector lacks the permissions and entity visibility needed to retrieve the list of installed extensions on the ThingWorx Platform. You must run the GrantAzureConnectorPermissions of the AzureServices Thing to grant all of the permissions and entity visibility that the Connector requires. For more information, refer to Step 10. Run the Service to Grant Permissions and Visibility to the Connector.