Content of the Distribution Bundle
After extracting the distribution bundle, the top level directory is ThingWorx-Azure-IoT-Hub-Connector-v.v.v. The main subdirectories follow:
There are also license files at the top level.
The README.txt files in the subdirectories of demo provide instructions for running each demo. You can find detailed instructions in the Using the Demo Applications section of this help center.
The following table lists and briefly describes the content of the connector and extensions directories. For details of the contents of the demo directory, refer to the next section, Structure of the Demo Directory.
The connector directory has these subdirectories:
The scripts for starting the Azure IoT Hub Connector, one for Linux, azure-iot, and one for Windows, azure-iot.bat
This directory also contains the scripts for running the smoke test for the Connector, one for Linux, azure-iot-smoketest, and one for Windows, azure-iot-smoketest.bat.
Refer to Step 11. Start the Azure IoT Hub Connector and Running the Smoke Test for instructions on using these scripts.
The sample configuration file for the Azure IoT Hub Connector, azure-iot-sample.conf.
security-sample.conf, which you can use as a starting point for creating the configuration file for the ThingWorx Security Management tool (CLI), encryption.conf. This tool can be downloaded from the PTC Software Download page, the THINGWORX PLATFORM software downloads For details about using the tool, refer to Step 7. Set Up Encryption for Azure IoT Hub Credentials.
Two configuration files for Logback, logback.xml and logback-long-sample.xml. For information on logging, refer to
Many jar files that provide the features of the Azure IoT Hub Connector.
The extensions directory contains the Azure IoT Hub Adapter Extension and the Connection Services Extension (CSE).
The Azure IoT Hub Adapter Extension and Connection Services Extension are required on the ThingWorx Platform for the Azure IoT Hub Connector to communicate with and be accessible from ThingWorx. You need to import them into your ThingWorx Platform. For instructions refer to Step 3. Import the Extensions.
Structure of the Demo Directory
The demo directory provides a subdirectory for each demo application. Each subdirectory contains subdirectories that are appropriate to that demo. For example, demo applications that require things to be created in ThingWorx have a platform/entities/ subdirectory that contains an XML file that you import into ThingWorx (through ThingWorx Composer). To learn how to use the demo applications, refer to Using the Demo Applications.
The demo directory structure is shown below
├── appliance-demo
│ ├── edge
│ │ ├── devices.json
│ │ ├── Dishwasher.js
│ │ ├── Dryer.js
│ │ ├── Fridge.js
│ │ ├── package.json
│ │ ├── provision.conf
│ │ ├── provision.js
│ │ ├── Provisioner.js
│ │ ├── start.js
│ │ └── Washer.js
│ ├── platform
│ │ └── entities
│ │ └── ApplianceDemoEntities.xml
│ └──
├── device-jobs-demo
│ ├── platform
│ │ └── entities
│ │ └── AzureDeviceMethodJobs.xml
│ └──
├── edge-device-demo
│ ├── bin
│ │ ├── edge-device-demo
│ │ └── edge-device-demo.bat
│ ├── conf
│ │ └── edge-device.conf
│ ├── lib - many jar files for running this application
│ ├── platform
│ │ ├── entities
│ │ │ └── CPUDemo_AllEntities.xml
│ │ └── extensions
│ │ └──
│ ├──
│ └── src
│ └── azure-iot-edge-demo-<version>-sources.jar
├── firmware-update-demo
│ ├── edge
│ │ ├── index.js
│ │ └── package.json
│ ├── platform
│ │ └── entities
│ │ └── Entities.xml
│ └──
└── twin-change-events-demo
├── platform
│ └── entities
│ └── Things_TwinChangeDemo.xml