Interacting with Azure Edge Devices through ThingWorx > Using the Azure Blob Storage in ThingWorx
Using the Azure Blob Storage in ThingWorx
Before you begin, make sure that in your Azure Bob Storage account you have created one or more containers for file storage:
Edge device upload container. For example, file-uploads.
As long as you have added one or more container, and configured the properties for the Azure Blob Storage in the AzureIotHub Thing in ThingWorx Composer, follow these steps to complete the setup for using a ThingWorx FileRepository Thing to represent the Azure Blob Storage:
1. Log in to ThingWorx Composer and create a Thing that extends the AzureStorageContainerFileRepository Thing Template. This Thing can have any name, but best practice would be to use the same name as used for the Blob Storage container in Azure. For example, file-uploads and edge-keys
2. Use the storage container as you would a local file repository or file system.
Once you have created the Thing, go to its Services page, where you can invoke ThingWorx services to interact with the Azure Storage Container:
Retrieve information about a file. The information returned includes the path, name, size, and last-modified properties of the file.
Read files from the Storage Container. Any type of file content is supported.
Get the checksum of a file in the Storage Container.
Calculate the MD5 for a given blob in the Storage Container.
Create files of any type.
Write to files (of any type) that are stored in the Storage Container.
For purposes of downloading a file, create a URL with a Secure Access Signature (SAS) token for access to the given path.
Delete files from the Storage Container.
Create and delete folders in the Storage Container.
Retrieve the directory structure from the Storage Container. This service starts at the root and retrieves or creates any path components in the “tree”. Note that the last component is always a file name (the service uses flat-listing).
Create and delete a Storage Container in Azure.
Load and save files of different types. For example, load or save a binary file.
The maximum size of a file to transfer is specified in the configuration of the FileTransferSubsystem of the ThingWorx Platform.