Administration and Development > Setting Up theThingWorx Utilities Console > Setting the ThingWorx Utilities Console as the Home Mashup
Setting the ThingWorx Utilities Console as the Home Mashup
ThingWorx Composer provides a hierarchical structure for configuring users, user groups, and organizations. The structure is highly configurable. You can create new users, add users to user groups, and add user groups to organizations
One advantage to setting up organizations or users is that you can assign them a Home Mashup that will launch automatically when a user, or member of a particular organization, logs in.
In ThingWorx Composer, you can only assign a Home Mashup to a user or an organization. Complete the following steps to assign the ThingWorx Utilities Console as the Home Mashup to a user or an organization.
Depending on how you’ve configured your user or organization environment, your exact procedure may vary.
1. In ThingWorx Composer, under SECURITY, select Organizations or Users, depending on who you are setting the Home Mashup for.
2. Create or select an organization or user.
3. Under General Information, click the picker icon next to Home Mashup.
The Search Results window appears.
4. In the results list, locate and select PTC.ConvergeConsole.
5. Click Save.