Download Scoring Results
To view results for each scoring job listed on the Predictive Scoring list page, you have to download the results to a CSV file.
To download scoring job results:
1. On the Predictive Scoring list page, find and select the scoring job for which you want to download job results.
2. Click the Download link displayed in the Download Results column.
A standard Save As dialog box opens.
The Download link is displayed as soon as the scoring job completes its run. If there is no Download link showing, the scoring job may have been run outside of this application. Click the Generate Results button. When the results are available for download, the Download link will be displayed.
3. In the dialog box, navigate to the location where you want to store the CSV file.
4. Name the CSV file.
5. Click Save.
The scoring results data is saved in CSV format.
6. Click Close to close the dialog box and return to the Predictive Scoring list page.
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