Deploy ThingWorx on Primary Server
Before starting the install of ThingWorx, ensure the following:
The database is established and running. The ThingWorx schema setup was applied.
File Storage is established.
The platform-settings.json file is available in the ThingworxPlatform directory
platform-settings.json contains the correct database connection information
In platform-settings.json, set EnableHA = false for now. It should stay false until the ZooKeeper service has been established.
For the version of ThingWorx to be deployed, follow the guidelines provided in the appropriate ThingWorx install guide. Perform the optional password encryptions for the license and database passwords in platform-settings.json, if desired.
Once the install process is complete, ThingWorx is up and running through the primary server. Ensure that the following files and directories exist.
repository folder
Shut down ThingWorx on the primary server and proceed to installing ThingWorx on the standby server or servers.
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