Mashup Builder > Widgets > Date Time Picker Widget > Localizing the Date Time Picker Widget
Localizing the Date Time Picker Widget
The Date Time Picker widget can be localized using the associated localization tokens. Example values in the image and table below are shown in French but any language can be applied.
Localization Token
Example Values
Used on the widget button/display when DateOnly is false and InitializeWithCurrentDateTime is true; must be a Java Date Format specifier.
English (EN): yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
French (FR): dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm:ss
Used on the widget button/display when DateOnly and InitializeWithCurrentDateTime are true; must be a Java Date Format specifier.
EN: yyyy-MM-dd
FR: dd/MM/yyyy
Used on the widget button when DateOnly is true and InitializeWithCurrentDateTime is false.
EN: Select Date
FR: Choisir la date
Used on the widget button when DateOnly and InitializeWithCurrentDateTime are false.
EN: Select Date/Time
FR: Choisir la date/heure
Used on the button label on the date/time popup to select the date/time and dismiss the dialog.
EN: Done
FR: Fini
Used on the button label on the date/time popup to select the current date.
EN: Today
FR: Aujourd’hui
Abbreviations that label the columns of the calendar in the date/time popup; this must be a comma-separated list that begins with Sunday (Su).
EN: Su, Mo, Tu, We, Th, Fr, Sa
FR: Di, Lu, Ma, Me, Je, Ve, Sa
The first day of the week, expressed as an integer, where 0 is Sunday (default), 1 is Monday, 2 is Tuesday, 3 is Wednesday, 4 is Thursday, 5 is Friday, and 6 is Saturday.
EN: 0
FR: 0
Spanish (ES): 1
The month names shown on the calendar in the date/time popup; this must be a comma-separated list that begins with January.
EN: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December
FR: Janvier, Février, Mars, Avril, Mai, Juin, Juillet, Août, Septembre, Octobre, Novembre, Decembre
Tooltip for the Next month arrow on the date/time popup.
EN: Next
FR: Suivant
Tooltip for the Previous month arrow on the date/time popup.
EN: Prev
FR: Précédent
Label for the time selection portion of the date/time popup; note that the format prompt can be omitted for locales where it is safe to assume familiarity.
EN: Time (24-hour)
FR: Heure
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