Add Attachment to Card
Use this action to add an attachment to the specified card in your Trello account.
Using the Add Attachment to Card Action
To use this action in your workflow, connect it to ThingWorx Flow. To connect to the flow, do the following:
1. Drag the Add Attachment to Card action under the Trello connector to the canvas, place the pointer on the action, and then click or double-click the action. The Add Attachment to Card action window opens.
2. Edit the label name, if needed. By default, the label name is same as the action name.
3. To add a new authorization, refer to the section Authorize Trello in the Trello connector topic.
If you previously added an authorization for Trello, select an authorization from the list.
4. In the Board ID field, select or specify the board ID to add an attachment to the card created under the board.
5. In the List ID field, select or specify the list ID to add an attachment to the card created in the list.
6. In the Card ID or Short Link field, select or specify the card ID or the short link of the card you want to add an attachment to.
7. In the Attachment URL field, enter a public URL of the file you want to attach to the card.
8. In the File Name field, enter the name of the file you want to attach to the card.
9. Click Done.
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